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3 April 2020

COVID-19 Message To Our Customers

To Our Valued Mainetti Customers and Partners, A few weeks ago, I communicated with you about our global plans to protect our employees, customers and operations in the wake of […]

To Our Valued Mainetti Customers and Partners,

A few weeks ago, I communicated with you about our global plans to protect our employees, customers and operations in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is hard to comprehend all that has transpired in this relatively short period of time.

Mainetti has not escaped being touched by the tragedy of this pandemic, for which we are saddened. But I am also grateful for the wellbeing of those at our three manufacturing facilities in northern Italy – an epicenter of the virus. It is my hope that our employees and their families across the world remain healthy and safe under these extraordinary circumstances, and that you and your loved ones will also be as fortunate.

As the global dialog begins to pivot toward that of a reopening of economies and a return to a ‘new normal’ of daily life, I wanted to update you on two important initiatives:

First, Mainetti has begun the process of transitioning the customer fulfillment needs of several leading retail and apparel brands that were previously serviced through another supplier. We are privileged to have the honor of serving these brands and companies, especially in such challenging times for our industry. We are looking forward to long-term partnerships with every new member of the Mainetti family.

Secondly, Mainetti has continued to successfully operate – even advance – in this time of extreme interruption. Since March, Mainetti has been exploring the possibility of utilizing its manufacturing prowess and global supply chain to join the effort in mass producing personal protection equipment (PPE). Safety guidelines for PPE are governed by varied laws and standards, but universal demand for PPE remains high – both in our healthcare institutions and with consumers. We hope to share more news of this global effort in the coming weeks.

Despite this, I am keenly aware that many in our sector have not fared as well. Jobs have been lost; businesses may permanently close. This affects all of us, in the communities where we live and work. That is why Mainetti is committed to doing all we can to help the retail and manufacturing industries recover – even to thrive – in the months ahead.

Finally, on behalf of our 6000+ employees, I extend our heartfelt gratitude to the essential workers who have kept us safe. As I stated in my last letter, we see the best of what a committed, supportive and responsible society can offer in times of uncertainty. The courage and selflessness demonstrated by our healthcare workers and first responders is unparalleled; we can never thank you enough.

I wish the very best to you, your families and friends, and I thank you for your trust and partnership.

Roberto Peruzzo